AESSEAL® Response to COVID-19
Colleagues at AESSEAL® have been working hard throughout the lockdown to ensure that the Covid-19 crisis has had a minimum impact on the services we offer our customers around the globe.
As the lockdown eases in the coming weeks, we will continue to work hard to restore operations to pre-lockdown levels and this involves gradually welcoming more staff members back to our offices and workshops.
The safety of every AESSEAL® staff member is obviously our key priority, so we’ve introduced a number of measures to ensure that our working environments are kept safe at all times.
- Staff arriving at work having their temperature taken using a thermal imaging camera. This will ensure that nobody who has a raised temperature (a classic sign of Covid-19 infection) is allowed into the workplace without further medical checks.
- Markers at 2m distances are clearly marked on all floors to help people maintain a safe space between each other when moving about the building.
- All stairways now have a one-way system to ensure adequate separation of people going up or down.
- Colleagues in our offices are located one person to every bank of four desks to ensure there is a minimum 2m gap between workstations.
- People who work in areas where the recommended 2m social distancing is not logistically possible have been provided with personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure their safety.
- Our work shift system has also been completely reorganized with a view to keeping colleagues as safe as possible, whilst maintaining production levels.

All AESSEAL® colleagues are ‘doing their bit’ to help make the workplace a safe environment for themselves and others.
We’re confident that this will enable us to continue to provide the award-winning standard of customer service which you have become accustomed to from AESSEAL®.