A US paper company has saved $1.5 million over the past seven years after replacing inefficient gland packing on two of its pumps with the AESSEAL CDSA double mechanical seal and tank systems.
Pulp & Paper Case Studies

DVS saves thousands for UK firm
A pulp and paper company in the north of England has saved almost £20,000 in just seven months following the installation of an AESSEAL® DVS sealing compound system.

DMSF makes its mark in Japanese paper industry
The installation of an AESSEAL® DMSF™ seal at a Japanese paper plant has increased the MTBF from just six months to seven years.

CDSA provides major savings for German company
A German paper and packaging plant has reported significant savings and improved reliability following the installation of CDSA double cartridge mechanical seals.

AESSEAL product improves reliability at Swedish plant
A pulp and paper company in Sweden was having problems with the persistent failure of the seal on a hot boiler application.

Swedish plant makes savings with DMSF
The persistent failure of the seal in a boiler application was causing problems for a pulp and paper company in Sweden.

Seal still giving perfect service after more than ten years
An AESSEAL RDS split seal installed at a US paper mill in January 2014 is still in full operation more than ten years later.

AESSEAL cools the temperature at Canadian paper mill
The installation of an AESSEAL SMSS single cartridge seal has saved thousands of dollars in repair and replacement costs for a Canadian paper mill.

Major water savings at South African paper company
A South African pulp and paper company is saving almost 18,000 litres of water a month following the installation of the AESSEAL DISP seal and SW02 water management system.

CDM ends seal failures for German company
A German paper company has reported savings of more than €10,000 following the installation of the AESSEAL CDM double mechanical seal.

FIDC ends costly leaks at US firm
The installation of an FIDC seal to replace single seals with no flush or API Plan has dramatically improved pump reliability at a pulp and paper company in New England.

AESSEAL solves reliability problems for paper company
Persistent leaks from gland packing were causing constant interruptions to the production process at a paper company in south-eastern France. The failure of the packing every few weeks was resulting in damage to the shaft of the pump and causing product to leak into the work area.

CDPN seal the right fit for faulty slurry pump
The installation of an AESSEAL® 80mm CDPN™ double mechanical seal and a FLOWTRUE® water unit was the answer to a persistent problem for a paper manufacturer in South Africa.

AESSEAL LabTecta the answer for Turkish company
The persistent failure of a locally-sourced pump bearing protector was causing problems for the Turkish pulp and paper company Varaka Kagit, with significant losses caused by unscheduled plant downtime.

AESSEAL upgrade solves bearing failure problem
A Bottom Entry Packed Gland was allowing water to fall on to the bearing assembly of a pulper at a paper company plant in the west of England. This was resulting in the failure of the bottom bearing, which was happening on average every three months.

CDM the key to greater reliability
A French pulp and paper manufacturer was using gland packing on its pulp tank agitators. This required regular replacement of the packing.

CDM reliability the answer for seal failures
A corrugated packaging plant in northern France was experiencing persistent seal failures, on average every two months.

Double seals solve reliability problem for US company
A New England pulp and paper company was reporting the persistent failure of its single seals

Seal failures solved at US company
The installation of double cartridge mechanical seals and a water management system has solved a persistent and costly problem at a US paper mill

Upgrade solves contamination problem
A pulp and paper mill in South Wales was having problems with contamination in its oscillator unit gearbox.

RDSX the seal of choice for Finnish company
Reliability and ease of installation has made the AES RDSX™ seal the first choice

Fantastic seal life for notoriously difficult application
A pulp & paper company in the Canada were dissatisfied with the reliability of the mechanical seal used in its Chlorine Dioxide generator pump.

Over a million US gallons of water saved
A Kentucky pulp and paper company is saving at least $19,000 a year following the replacement of its existing seals with AESSEAL products.

LabTecta seals solve leakage problems
A paper mill in the Northwest United States was experiencing persistent problems due to lubricant contamination in its refiners.

AESSEAL solves leakage problem at US paper mill
The installation of double cartridge mechanical seals and a water management system has solved a persistent leakage problem at a US paper mill.

Double seals bring major savings for Michigan firm
A Michigan paper company turned to AESSEAL looking to find a solution caused by an unpressurized packing pump, which allowed product to leak out of the system.

Huge cost savings for US company with Magtecta unit
A US paper manufacturer has reported savings of more than $27,000 over just three years following the installation of an AESSEAL MagTecta™ unit.

New AESSEAL system brings major savings for US company
High levels of water consumption were causing growing concern at a US recycle paper mill. Water from the local public utility was being used as a flush on single seals at a rate of 720 gallons a day per pump, resulting in high water bills and a heavy cost from evaporation.

Reliability upgrade reduces water consumption
Kraft pulp mills with recovery boilers have multiple effect evaporators and concentrators to reheat and remove water from the returning Weak Black Liquor from the cooking process.

Eliminating over 61 million gallons of water from 26 evaporator pumps
Evaporator steam use reduced by 103,000klbs a year by eliminating over 61 million gallons of water from 26 evaporator pumps

Reliability problems solved at mill
A Canadian paper mill was having issues with the reliability of its Chlorine Dioxide Generator Circulation Pump.

Massive water savings with new seal
The South African company Sappi Saiccor was having problems with water wastage.

LabTecta upgrade increases MTBF from 2 weeks to 2 years and counting
A pulp and paper manufacturer in the UK had frequent failures of its Plummer Block bearing assemblies.

LabTecta eliminates oil leakage
A paper company in the USA was experiencing problems with oil leakage around the lip seals on its ‘Fluffer’.

LabTecta reduces quality issues and improves reliability
A paper manufacturer in the USA was experiencing oil leakage from the journals in the dryer section of its paper machine.

Success with bad actor pump leads to further opportunity
A pulp mill in the USA were experiencing issues with the sealing arrangement on the green liquor transfer pumps.

9+ Years MTBF for condensate pump
USA Paper producer found mechanical seals used on condensate applications had an unacceptable Mean Time Between Failure.

MagTecta eliminates gearbox oil leakage
Twin Rivers Paper at its Maine USA plant were dissatisfied with the sealing arrangement on the gear boxes that are the main drive for the paper machine rolls.

Change to AESSEAL helps reduce filter downtime
Pulp and paper company has now gone more than 12 months without replacing a seal.

New seal design the difference at US firm
Reliability problems leading to significant downtime and high maintenance costs at pulp and paper company.

AESSEAL SW system solves water pressure problem
A US paper company to use the advantages provided by the SW Seal Water Management systems.

LabTecta protection system extends bearing life
Tamilnadu Newsprint and Papers extends life of its gearbox bearings using LabTecta 66 bearing isolation.

The AESSEAL DMSF helps cut water usage for US company
DMSF™ mechanical seal and system has helped to reduce water usage and maintenance costs.

AESSEAL product aids major cuts to water usage
The French company Norpaper Nantes was having issues with the seal of its mixer’s drain pump.

Trapezoidal Packing Improves Reliability
A paper producer in South Africa was having problems with packing on pumps leaking and damaging the pump shaft sleeve.

Preventing toxic leakage and improving reliability
Having tried mechanical seals from other manufacturers without success, the customer had resorted to using gland packing and a ‘Pack-Ryt’ bushing for their Chlorine Dioxide Generator recirculation pump.

Specialist paper producer saves almost 6.4 million litres of water per year
The main purpose of refining in the pulp and paper industry is to improve the strength and density of the paper produced.

Counterproductive flush water in an evaporator pump leads to big savings
During an energy audit at a Canadian pulp and paper plant, AESSEAL identified 15 packed evaporator area pumps that needed upgrading to mechanical seals.

Upgrade from packing to mechanical seals for reliability
A paper company in Germany were operating the majority of their pumps using mechanical packing. The packing required a lot of water to operate acceptably.

Improved reliability and reduced water usage
A pulp and paper manufacturer in France was using gland packing to seal the side entry agitator on a stock pulp mixer. The gland packing had a mean time between failure (MTBF) of just 2 months and was using 2.4 million litres of water per year.

ROI In Less Than A Month
a French cardboard manufacturer was experiencing seal failures every two months. AESSEAL worked closely with the customer to find the right solution.

Bearings saved with LabTecta bearing protector
With constantly failing bearings, Argentinian pulp and paper plant turned to AESSEAL® for help.

UK pulp and paper mill upgrade lip seals for bearing protection
Following a series of issues within a pulp and paper mill caused by the use of lip seals, AESSEAL® was called in to help.

Failing bearings thing of the past for German paper mill
With bearing failures approximately every 3 months, German paper mill called in AESSEAL® for help.

Paper producer saves more than one million Dollars per year
A leading North American producer of Pulp and Paper recognise the importance of operating their business in a sustainable way.

Training and support leads to reliability
Ongoing reliability issues with their pulp agitator mechanical seals led Australian pulp and paper manufacturer to turn to AESSEAL® for assistance.

£137,830 saving & a 1100% MTBF increase
Increasing MTBF from 6 months to 6 years and saving over £137,000

Mondi Meets Sustainability Targets
AESSEAL water management systems cutting water usage at the plant by more than 60,000 kilolitres per month.

LabTecta upgrade gives over 12 years of trouble free operation
A paper mill in Maine, USA was having issues with water and stock getting into their Hydropulper gearbox.

£66,000 savings after upgrading gland packing to an RDS split seal
Old solution costed over £13,000 a year in downtime, maintenance and product loss

Upgrading unreliable seals increases MTBF from 2-3 months to 3 years
Pulp and Paper industry increases plant reliability and reduces maintenance costs.

Mechanical seals upgrade reduces maintenance and will save £5,450 per annum
Increasing plant reliability to reduces maintenance costs

An upgrade to LabTecta-PB gives a 500% MTBF increase
Existing plummer block seals where not offering adequate protection