Water & Waste Water Case Studies

Helping to keep the water flowing for South Australia

AU Flag
A remote pumping station in South Australia, was having regular failures on their high pressure booster pump used to pump water through a South Australian pipeline.

AESSEAL cures reliability issues at US wastewater facility

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Damage to seals on the pumps at a large wastewater treatment plant in North Carolina was requiring regular and costly seal changes.

LabTecta saving time and money at US plant

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An oil seal, which had worn a deep fret mark in the output shaft of its Philadelphia Mixer Gearbox, which then leaked oil down through the worn-out mark.

Huge savings after LabTecta installation

GB Flag
A wastewater plant in Wales was reporting persistent problems with the failure of the seals on its ditch rotor.

Improved reliability for Flygt pump

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A water utility company in the United Arab Emirates were dissatisfied with the performance of the mechanical seals in its Flygt pump.

AESSEAL system fixes sewage problems for US township

US Flag

A municipality in Pennsylvania was having issues with major inefficiencies in its sewage treatment system. 

Company makes huge savings with AESSEAL system

OM Flag

A water company in the Middle East has saved almost a quarter of a million dollars following the installation of an AESSEAL® bearing protector.

CSSN guarantees water supply for Spanish town

ES Flag
Leaking seals were causing major problems for a Spanish water distribution company. The seals were fitted to a pump which was responsible for the delivery of water to a small town in the north-east of the country.

AESSEAL product solves reliability problem

AE Flag
A waste water company in the Middle East turned to AESSEAL as a result of the persistent lack of reliability of a competitor’s component seal.

Major savings with CKD double seal

SE Flag
The single seals being used by Swedish water treatment company were unsuitable for the job they were being asked to do, allowing limescale to enter between the seal faces and leak out on to the floor of the plant.

AESSEAL CURC stops leaks at sewage treatment plant

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The installation in December 2022 of an AESSEAL® CURC single seal proved to be the remedy for serious issues at a sewage treatment facility in the Middle East.

DMSF ends leakage problem for Saudi firm

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The split seal on a transfer pump at a wastewater plant in Saudi Arabia was leaking so badly that sewage was flooding the pumping room. The failures were occurring at less than six-monthly intervals, which the company found unacceptable.